Culinary Glossary
There are currently 1 names in this directory.
heart of palm - A long, soft, whitish shoot, edible in nature, extracted from the terminal part of the stem of palm trees, such as açaí and juçara. (Palmito, Aulete). ✰ Essa torta de palmito está deliciosa. (This heart of palm pie is delicious.) 
Hearts of palm are a food obtained from the region close to the apical meristem, from the inside of the petioles of the leaves of certain species of palm trees (popularly known as the "core" of the palm tree). It is a white cylinder containing the leaf and vascular primordia, still soft and not very fibrous. Hearts of palm are preserved in brine and eaten cold, accompanied by salads or cooked in various recipes. (Palmito, Wikipédia, my translation).※※※
1. PALMITO. In: AULETE, Francisco J. Caldas et al. Aulete Digital. Rio de Janeiro: Lexikon Editora Digital ltda., [2006?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2024.
2. PALMITO. In: Wikipédia. São Francisco, Califórnia: Wikimedia Foundation. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 set. 2021.