Welcome to the intricate world of medical translation, where precision and accuracy are paramount. Medical translation encompasses the translation of a wide range of documents, from patient records and medical histories to clinical trial protocols and pharmaceutical labels. Ensuring accuracy in medical translation is crucial as errors or mistranslations could have serious consequences, including misdiagnosis, improper treatment, or even endangering patient safety. For example, mistranslating medication instructions or dosage information could lead to harmful drug interactions or dosage errors. Inaccurate translations of medical reports or diagnostic tests could result in incorrect diagnoses or treatment plans. In the realm of medical translation, attention to detail and adherence to specialized terminology are essential to safeguarding the health and well-being of patients and ensuring clear communication among healthcare providers worldwide.
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Medical Translation Sample
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a metabolic disease of multiple causes, resulting from a lack of insulin and/or the insulin’s inability to play its functions properly, causing an increase of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to supply the body’s needs, or when this hormone cannot work properly (aka “insulin resistance”). Insulin promotes a decrease in glycemia by allowing the blood sugar to penetrate the cells, in order to be used as a source of energy. Therefore, if insuline is lacking, or even if it’s not working properly, there will be a blood sugar increase resulting in diabetes.
O que é diabetes?
O diabetes é uma síndrome metabólica de origem múltipla, decorrente da falta de insulina e/ou da incapacidade de a insulina exercer adequadamente seus efeitos, causando um aumento da glicose (açúcar) no sangue. O diabetes acontece porque o pâncreas não é capaz de produzir o hormônio insulina em quantidade suficiente para suprir as necessidades do organismo, ou porque este hormônio não é capaz de agir de maneira adequada (resistência à insulina). A insulina promove a redução da glicemia ao permitir que o açúcar que está presente no sangue possa penetrar dentro das células, para ser utilizado como fonte de energia. Portanto, se houver falta desse hormônio, ou mesmo se ele não agir corretamente, haverá aumento de glicose no sangue e, consequentemente, o diabetes.