Dicionário Idiomático

This “dicionário idiomático” is just a small sample of the Dicionário Bilíngue de Expressões, Ditados e Provérbios – Inglês-Português, the full version of which will be released soon. By purchasing the printed dictionary, you’ll gain free access to the online version, which is more comprehensive and up-to-date, for a one-year period. If you’re only interested in the online version, purchase a monthly or one-time subscription and help me with this project. The complete dictionary contains more than 5,000 expressions, duly translated into Portuguese, in addition to examples, references, pronunciation, and fun videos. With the online version, research work is faster and more efficient. Tags: dicionário idiomático, dictionary of idioms  

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There are currently 1238 terms in this directory.

A faint heart never won a lady.

Um coração fraco nunca ganhou uma bela dama. - ⚠ (dit. estereotípico) O homem não pode ser tímido, tem que ser ousado se quisar atrair a mulher dos seus sonhos. (A faint heart; Coração).


1. A FAINT HEART never won a lady. In: Proverbs and Sayings. [S. l.]: Idiom Connection, 1997-2023. Disponível em: http://mpt.ninja/jGQZ. Acesso em: 20 jan. 2023.
2. CORAÇÃO fraco nunca ganhou uma bela dama. In: Google. Mountain View, Califórnia: Google LLC. Disponível em: http://mpt.ninja/HKy9. Acesso em: 20 jan. 2023.

a few bricks short of a (full) load

alguns parafusos a menos na cabeça - ⚠ (pej.) refere-se a alguém não muito inteligente ou com capacidade mental questionável. (A few bricks short). His odd behavior and strange comments made it clear that he was a few bricks short of a full load, causing others to question his mental state. (Seu comportamento esquisito e comentários estranhos deixaram claro que ele tinha alguns parafusos a menos na cabeça, fazendo com que outros questionassem seu estado mental.)


1. A FEW BRICKS SHORT of a (full) load. In: Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. Huntingdon Valley: Farlex, Inc., 2022. Disponível em: https://n9.cl/2sbbx3. Acesso em: 23 ago. 2023.

a few cards short of a (full) deck

alguns parafusos a menos na cabeça - ⚠ (pej.) refere-se a alguém não muito inteligente ou um pouco maluco. (A few cards short). “Given that many of those who are born into racing have had the privilege of public schooling, it never ceases to amaze me that a lot of them are apparently a few cards short of a deck.” (Keene, 2021). (Dado que muitos dos que nasceram no hipismo tiveram o privilégio de estudar em escola pública, nunca deixo de me surpreender que muitos deles tenham aparentemente alguns parafusos a menos na cabeça.)

Veja também: a few bricks short of a (full) load.


1. A FEW CARDS SHORT of a deck. In: Card Playing Idioms and Quizzes: Card Playing Idioms. [S. l.]: Idiom Connection, 1997-2023. Disponível em: http://mpt.ninja/RwH. Acesso em: 10 fev. 2022.
2. KEENE, Jack. Turf Talk: The PJA must look at themselves in the mirror after failure to support Bryony Frost throughout bullying saga. The Sun, [S.l.], 10 dez. 2021. Disponível em: http://mpt.ninja/memH. Acesso em: 10 fev. 2022.

a few cards shy of a poker hand

- Veja a few cards short of a (full) deck.

a few clowns short of a circus

- Veja a few cards short of a (full) deck.

a few crayons short of a box

- Veja a few cards short of a (full) deck.

a few eggs short of a dozen

- Veja a few cards short of a (full) deck.

a few fries short of a happy meal

- Veja a few cards short of a (full) deck.

a few nuts short of a full pouch

- Veja a few cards short of a (full) deck.

a few peas short of a casserole

- Veja a few cards short of a (full) deck.

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© Oliver Simões, Dicionário Bilíngue de Expressões, Ditados e Provérbios: Inglês – Português, All rights reserved