
Technical Glossary

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There are currently 1013 terms in this directory beginning with the letter S.
arranhado; riscado - ※※※ Caterpillar Brasil Ltda.

escoriação; arranhadura - ※※※ Caterpillar Brasil Ltda.

refugo - ※※※ Caterpillar Brasil Ltda.

scrap (v)
refugar - ※※※ Caterpillar Brasil Ltda.

scrape off (vboth manual and automatic))
raspar - ※※※ Caterpillar Brasil Ltda.

scraper (earth-moving machinery)
escrêiper - ※※※ Caterpillar Brasil Ltda.

scraper berm
corte do escrêiper - ※※※ Caterpillar Brasil Ltda.

scraper bowl
caçamba do escrêiper - ※※※ Caterpillar Brasil Ltda.

scraper brake chamber
câmara pneumática do freio do escrêiper - ※※※ Caterpillar Brasil Ltda.

scraper brake relay valve
válvula relé do freio do escrêiper - ※※※ Caterpillar Brasil Ltda.

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